Saturday, July 10, 2010

Vamos Espana

La Furia Roja!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, tomorrow is so important. F!!! So important. I'm so excited for tomorrow. I can't wait. I love the Netherlands, but Spain is definitely my team for tomorrow. Either way, I'll be happy with the result. So I hope all of you that are following this blog (all two of you) will be cheering your ass of tomorrow for Spain. Either team deserves it really, but my year in Spain will be so much better with a win tomorrow.

So, on other pressing matters, I do indeed have visa application complete and submitted, which just feels so good. I'm so happy to have that part of my life just done and over. It has been such a hard part of this whole moving process. So hopefully that will find its way back to me in a month or less.

As for other things in my life... everything is going just fine. I'm spending a lot of time with my friends and I'm hanging out with my family. I'm just sort of antsy to get over there.

To be clear, I have always wanted to go to China or Spain since I was a very little TC. I have wanted to teach English since I was in fifth grade. I just want to stress how much of what is happening for me this year is my dream. I'm so excited. I hope many of you can come visit me. Well, it's about that time to head out. My friend turned 21 today, so let's just hope for the best for all involved. There will be pictures I'm sure. Oh ya, I did take the picture at the top of this post, so ya.

VAAAAAAAAMOOOOOSSSS España!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Found you through the Facebook group but wanted to say hey! So glad Spain won!! I too will be in Spain next year, in Zamora (which is in Castilla y Leon).

  2. Thanks for writing!!! It makes me feel validated.

    Blog buddies for sure. You must come visit in Madrid. We'll celebrate the World Cup and get silly.
